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Monday, December 9, 2013

K-I-S-S Salad

Menu Note:

  • Using raw bok choy for a salad green was an intriguing idea when I saw it on But it contained sugar and ramen noodles, both of which I try to avoid, especially in salads. I came up with the following version, which is perhaps even tastier than the “yummy” original but just as simple to prepare.
The Ingredients (for 6 to 8 servings):
  • 55 g (or 2 oz or ½ cup) of pecans
  • 6 baby bok choy  (I prefer the green-stemmed variety over the white-stemmed), weighing approximately 340 g (or 12 oz)
  • 4 scallions
  • 1 red bell pepper
  • 15 ml (or 1 tablespoon) of balsamic vinegar
  • 8 ml (or ½ tablespoon) of soy sauce
  • 37 ml (or 2 tablespoons) of salad-grade olive oil
The Method:
  1. Heat the oven to 175°C (or 350°F) and bake the pecans for five minutes.
  2. Wash the bok choy, trim it, and, if necessary, cut larger ones in half lengthwise.
  3. Dry the bok choy in a towel or a salad spinner.
  4. Chop the scallions into 2-mm (or 1-inch) lengths.
  5. Slice the bell pepper into thin strips (lengthwise) or rings (cross-section)
  6. Place all the vegetables into a salad bowl.
  7. Whisk together the vinegar, soy sauce, and olive oil.
  8. Pour the dressing over the salad and toss.
  9. Sprinkle the (now cooled) pecans onto the salad.

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